The Way Home: Jordan Raynor on creativity, work, and productivity

Today, Jordan Raynor joins me on The Way Home Podcast, and we talk about his new book “Redeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive.” I love Jordan’s work. He has several other books that I’ve found helpful. In this episode, we talk about creativity and work and productivity in a really gospel-centered […]

Creative Tensions: Between the Editor and Your Voice

This is the third post in a series of posts on writing and the creative life. The other two posts are: “Between Annoyance and Passivity“; “Between Authenticity and Plastic.” Today I want to discuss another tension, the one that exists between your unique voice and the hot red pen of the editor. One of the […]

Shooting the Gaps

I’m a huge sports fan, and when the Cubs or Sox are actually good, I’m a huge baseball fan. I’m not sure there is another sport where each move, each pitch, each play can carry so much significance. Especially when you get the the playoffs. Well if you’re building a good baseball team you need […]