My 2010 New Year’s Resolutions

By Daniel Darling

 I really take New Year’s seriously. I love this time of year, because it gives me an opportunity to reflect on what God has done in the last year and to set new goals for the next year. I know that by February most of us ditch our resolutions, but I don’t think that means we shouldn’t ever set goals. So here are mine: 

Make a concerted effort to lose a significant amount of weight. Time to put the fork down. 
Spend more and better time in the Word. 
Serve my wife and kids with less eye-rolling and more of a Christ-like attitude. 
Read more good books, even ones that are more of a discipline to read. 
Care more about things on God’s heart, like the work of the church and the salvation of souls and less about things God already has under control, like politics and world events. 
Be less inhibited about sharing my faith with those God has placed in my world. 

What are your resolutions? I’d like to hear them. Facebook me or email me.